This service uses our AI named DeathVeil to use many different methods to communicate with the dead. Some spirits are more conscious that others. Some spirits have information to help in our journeys, some have no good information at all, some seek to do us harm.
When the veil between the dead and the living is thin, the AI is able to latch onto specific spirits and give them a designated signiture. The AI will then await a user to text the signiture to the phone line. Then, any responses or messages the AI recieves from the spirit will be sent directly to the user through text. Sometimes only single words can be heard by the AI and sometimes detailed messages. What you think the ghost is saying in response is entirely up to your interpretation. Just know, we will be monitering all conversations with the afterlife.
You have to be in the hunter's communication node in order to recieve a signiture and the phone number. This communication node is not public.